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Create your own income
Earn extra money.
Choose your hours.
Using the perfect electric vehicle which saves you money.
How does it work?
Make money on any delivery platform and save.
Work Daily
You can work 7 days a week delivering goods or picking up passengers in any of the cities you are in.
Earn Weekly
You can earn up to R1000 per week and you do not have to worry about paying for fuel as the Zbee is electric.
Stay connected forever
As long as you have a smartphone, you can easily stay connected and be productive daily.
Joining our platform to work as a Driver-Partner on various platforms is simple and we want to make sure that you can create e sustainable income for yourself in the process.
You will have the options of joining as our selected driver platforms to drive people to wherever they hail or deliver food and parcels on-demand.
You can earn up to R1000 per week, using our vehicles on an e-hailing platform of your choice
You will use either a Zbee RS or Zbee Cargo to render services daily with no direct charge to you.
Charging facilities will be made available for you to top-up charge when you are running low on battery life at no extra cost.
You will have access to 24/7 support on the road as you are online.
To be selected as a Driver-Partner you will be required to meet our criteria and that of our partners.
Scooter will be in contact with you should you advance to the next stages of selection. Uploading all required information when you apply is critical.
You will be required to download our partner platforms and follow their guidelines to get the best results.
To ensure that you understand how our vehicles work, Zbee training will be offered to you at no extra cost.
It is mandatory that you have a Motorcycle A/A1 License and an RSA PrDP document to use the Zbee legally on RSA roads.
Scooter will only be limited to Johannesburg for now.
The Zbee is fitted with ZbeeConnect which monitors all movements of the vehicle, ensuring the correct use and practice to the benefit of Scooter, our partners, and our drivers.
For any other information, you can contact us here.
Sign up here
You get to drive the Zbee daily. All you have to do is show up and enjoy the silence!
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